BDF Ingredients

  BDF Ingredients :

BDF Natural Ingredients are specialized in the research, manufacture and commercialization of innovative ingredients, additives and blends used in the food industry.

A leading company for innovative solutions with enzymes and starter cultures.

  BDF Binder Series :

BINDER products are formulations based on sodium alginate and calcium sulphate designed to provide structure to all kind of food products.

Alginate is one of the most versatile biopolymers available. Sodium alginate is the salt of alginic acid, which is extracted from the cell walls of brown algae It is used in a wide range of food specialty applications.

Binder Series products are designed to improve structure and shape in a wide variety of food products.

Main properties
  • Thickening
  • Stabilizing
  • Gelling
  • Film forming

  Applications :



  • Can structure all kinds of meat, including mechanically de-boned meat.
  • Extended meat can be used in all kind of meat preparations, including frozen, cooked or fermented.
  • Allows the addition of a high proportion of water, reducing manufacturing costs and calorie intake.
  • Extended meat may be cut, ground or diced in any desired manner and added to the product during the production process
  • Structured meat can be frozen or cooked with minimal shape and texture loss.
  • Transforms cooked ham or other cold meats leftovers into a new product with high added value.
  • Final product has good texture and mouthfeel.
  • Create new products by adding different ingredients: vegetables, rice, raisins, cheese, etc.
  • Structured product may be cut or diced in any desired manner and frozen or cooked with minimal shape and texture loss.
  •   Benefits :

  • Suitable for reducing the fat content, thus reducing calorie intake.
  • Allows the addition of a high proportion of water, reducing manufacturing costs.
  • Structured fat is thermo-irreversible (it does not melt) and may be cut, ground or diced in any desired manner and added to the product during the production process.
  • Structured fat can be frozen or cooked with minimal shape and texture loss.
  • Can extend any kind of animal fat.
  •   Binder 2.0 :

    Binder 2.0 is a mixture of food additives used as texturizers. It is a gelling agent that helps to improve the texture of meat products, both in hot and cold conditions. The usual dosage is between 1 and 3%, depending on the type of application.

  • Reduces the amount of MDM in the formulation, maintaining or improving the physical properties of the final product, with a very significant cost reduction.
  • Improves texture by increasing hardness, elasticity and chewiness, providing a more meaty and firm texture to the finished product.
  • Improves the appearance of emulsified sausages providing more cohesiveness and stabilizing fats, prevents the formation of greasy exudates on the outside of the product.
  •   Applications :


  • Allows the creation of new, vegan or vegetarian products. Suitable for Halal and Kosher labeling
  • Provides structure and mouthfeel to a wide range of products
  • Structured burgers can be cut, frozen or cooked without losing its shape.

  • Can be used with all kinds of meat.
  • Allows the addition of 40 water, giving extra yield
  • Provides structure, meat bite and juiciness at the same time
  • Structured meat can be frozen or cooked with minimal cooking losses
  • Doesn’t lose shape when cooking/freezing
  •   BINDER 12.0 :

    is a revolutionary new mixture of food additives that act as a cold gelling agent, allowing you to easily structure all kinds of meat.

    It is designed for direct powder application, and do not have to dissolve it before use. This innovative new product also means savings in production time, while no special equipment is required for application.

  • Easy processing thanks to direct application no need to make BINDER slurry!
  • Suitable for structuring all kinds of meat
  • Structured meat can be used in all kinds of meat preparations, including frozen, cooked or fermented.
  • Allows the addition of 20 water, increasing manufacturing yield and the juiciness of the bite
  • Structured meat may be cut, ground, or diced in any desired manner and added to the product during the production process
  • Structured meat can be frozen or cooked with minimal shape and texture loss

  •   BINDER EM :

    BINDER EM is especially developed for emulsified vegan and vegetarian products to impart great texture and appearance to emulsified sausage alternatives, such as plant-based cold cuts or frankfurters.

    This vegan alternative to bologna has excellent texture and infinite possibilities.

    100% Vegan, soy and gluten-free, source of dietary fiber and vegetable protein.

      Applications :

    Vegan Cold Cuts

    Designed specifically to impart texture and provide adhesion to vegan products they rely on different pea fractions and sodium alginate as active ingredients The formula is free of soy, gluten and is 100% vegan.

    Vegan Frankfurters

    Vegan alternative to emulsified meat alternatives, with excellent texture and binding ability. 100% Vegan, soy and gluten-free, source of dietary fiber and vegetable protein.

    Mushroom sausages

    Delicious vegan wieners with great texture and plenty of mushrooms inside. 100% Vegan, soy and gluten-free, source of dietary fiber and vegetable protein.


    BINDER HB thanks to it fast gelling ability is ideal for direct application, such as meat balls and nuggets substitutes or fillings.

    Apart from binding and emulsifying properties of BINDER products, EM and HB formulations are a source of vegetable protein and dietary fibre and can be used in all kinds of vegan and vegetarian products.

      Applications :

    Binder HB is a binding agent for vegan and vegetarian products, designed to hold together a variety of ingredients, such as textured vegetable protein, mushrooms, or vegetables.

    100% Vegan, soy and gluten-free, source of dietary fiber and vegetable protein.

    BDF Vegan Solutions

      BDF PROBIND ® TXo Series:

    Is a range of enzymatic system, suitable for most vegan applications Based on transglutaminase enzyme and maltodextrin, it can be used in meat like, as well as dairy like applications

    The use of the enzyme system will improve plant-based product characteristics, such as texture, water holding capacity, and overall appearance It can also aid in reducing the amount of emulsifiers and stabilizers, leading to a cleaner label.

    The performance of transglutaminase enzyme will depend on the protein source, composition, and the final product matrix.

    We are completely open to make personalized solutions based on client’s needs and requirements.

      Applications :

    • Emulsified Vegan Frankfurters
    • Emulsified Vegetarian Frankfurters
    • Restructured Tofu

      BDF Binder Solutions for Vegan Industry :

    BINDER products are formulations based on sodium alginate and calcium sulphate designed to provide structure to all kind of food products Alginate is one of the most versatile biopolymers available Sodium alginate is the salt of alginic acid, which is extracted from the cell walls of brown algae.

    Binder 1.0 and Binder 2.0

    BINDER 1 0 and 2 0 binding systems, suitable for applications with prior hydration. Use BINDER 2 0 for fast hard binding.

    Binder 1.0 Applications:
    Structured Vegetable Fat:

  • Suitable for reducing the fat content in a final product or for substituting animal (saturated) fat for vegetable (unsaturated) fat.
  • Allows the addition of a high proportion of water, reducing calorie intake and manufacturing cost of the final product.
  • Structured fat is thermo-irreversible (it does not melt) and may be cut or diced in any desired manner and added to the product during the production process.
  • Can be used with any kind of vegetable oil.

  • Binder 2.0 Applications:
    Texturized Soy Burgers Patties:

  • Allows the creation of new, vegan, or vegetarian products. Suitable for Halal and Kosher labeling.
  • Provides structure and mouthfeel to a wide range of products.
  • Structured burgers can be cut, frozen or cooked without losing its shape.

  •   Binder EM :

    BINDER EM is especially developed for emulsified vegan and vegetarian products to impart great texture and appearance to emulsified sausage alternatives, such as plant-based cold cuts or frankfurters.

    This vegan alternative to bologna has excellent texture and infinite possibilities.

    100% Vegan, soy and gluten-free, source of dietary fiber and vegetable protein.

      Application :

    Vegan Cold Cuts : Designed specifically to impart texture and provide adhesion to vegan products they rely on different pea fractions and sodium alginate as active ingredients The formula is free of soy, gluten and is 100 vegan.

    Vegan Frankfurters : Vegan alternative to emulsified meat alternatives, with excellent texture and binding ability. 100% Vegan, soy and gluten-free, source of dietary fiber and vegetable protein.

    Mushroom sausages : Delicious vegan wieners with great texture and plenty of mushrooms inside. 100% Vegan, soy and gluten-free, source of dietary fiber and vegetable protein.

      Binder HB

    Binder HB is a binding agent for vegan and vegetarian products, designed to hold together a variety of ingredients, such as textured vegetable protein, mushrooms or vegetables. 100% Vegan, soy and glutenfree, source of dietary fiber and vegetable protein.

    Apart from binding and emulsifying properties of BINDER HB formulation is a source of vegetable protein and dietary fibre and can be used in all kind of vegan and vegetarian products.

      Application :

    Vegan meatballs : Binder HB is a binding agent for vegan and vegetarian products, designed to hold together a variety of ingredients, such as textured vegetable protein, mushrooms or vegetables.

    100% Vegan, soy and gluten-free, source of dietary fiber and vegetable protein.